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Referentiewoningen API

De Referentiewoningen API retourneert maximaal 30 relevante vergelijkbare recente transacties voor het doelobject die vóór de opgegeven waarderingsdatum hebben plaatsgevonden.

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Ontvang alle relevante data van de transacties waaronder een prijsrange en een vooraanzicht foto

Referentie woningen API

De Interactieve Referentie API van Altum AI retourneert voor het doelobject tot en met 30 relevante Kadaster transacties voor woonobjecten. Relevantie wordt bepaald aan de hand van vergelijkbaarheid t.a.v. woningtype, oppervlakte, locatie en meer variabelen. Het is mogelijk een gewijzigd woningtype op te geven als input of te vragen om strict gelijke woningtype als respons.

Zoek interactief naar referentiewoningen


1 {
2 "postcode": "3864LD",
3 "housenumber": 62,
4 "houseaddition": "",
5 "strict_energylabel": 0,
6 "energylabel": "A",
7 "valuationdate": 20220630,
8 "innersurfacearea": 160,
9 "buildyear": 1960,
10 "housetype": "Vrijstaande woning",
11 "reference_number": 3,
12 "strict_street": 0,
13 "strict_buurt": 0,
14 "strict_wijk": 0,
15 "comparable_housetype": 0,
16 "comparable_innersurfacearea": 0,
17 "comparable_buildyear": 0,
18 "comparable_distance": 0,
19 "weight_innersurfacearea": 0.9,
20 "weight_buildyear": 0.9,
21 "weight_transactiondate": 0.9,
22 "weight_distance": 0.9,
23 "date_limit": 18,
24 "time_for_sale": 1
25 }


1 {

2 "GivenHouse": {
3 "PostCode": "3864LD",
4 "HouseNumber": 62,
5 "HouseAddition": null,
6 "ValuationDate": 20240601,
7 "InnerSurfaceArea": 180,
8 "OuterSurfaceArea": 895,
9 "HouseType": "Vrijstaande woning",
10 "BuildYear": 1975,
11 "EnergyLabel": {
12 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "A",
13 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
14 "DefinitiveValidity": "2032-11"
15 },
16 "Image": "https://cloud.funda.nl/valentina_media/085/515/007_1440.jpg"
17 },
18 "Inputs": {
19 "StrictStreet": 0,
20 "StrictBuurt": 0,
21 "StrictWijk": 0,
22 "StrictEnergyLabel": 0,
23 "ComparableHouseType": 0,
24 "ComparableInnerSurfaceArea": 0,
25 "ComparableBuildYear": 0,
26 "ComparableDistance": 0,
27 "DateLimit": 60
28 },
29 "ReferenceData": {
30 "ReferencePriceMean": "800000-900000",
31 "ReferenceHouses": [
32 {
33 "PostCode": "3864LA",
34 "HouseNumber": 31,
35 "HouseAddition": null,
36 "Street": "Laakweg",
37 "BuurtCode": "BU02670301",
38 "WijkCode": "WK026703",
39 "City": "Nijkerkerveen",
40 "HouseType": "2 onder 1 kap woning",
41 "BuildYear": 1934,
42 "InnerSurfaceArea": 116,
43 "OuterSurfaceArea": 874,
44 "Volume": 371.0,
45 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "B",
46 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
47 "DefinitiveValidity": "2033-09",
48 "Longitude": 5.45560183299114,
49 "Latitude": 52.191148924859505,
50 "Transactiondate": 202403,
51 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
52 "Image": null,
53 "TransactionPrice": "650000-750000",
54 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "650000-750000",
55 "PriceIndex": 182.9,
56 "Distance": 446,
57 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
58 "Weight": 1.0
59 },
60 {
61 "PostCode": "3871LB",
62 "HouseNumber": 49,
63 "HouseAddition": null,
64 "Street": "Laakweg",
65 "BuurtCode": "BU02670504",
66 "WijkCode": "WK026705",
67 "City": "Nijkerkerveen",
68 "HouseType": "Vrijstaande woning",
69 "BuildYear": 2006,
70 "InnerSurfaceArea": 300,
71 "OuterSurfaceArea": 14,
72 "Volume": 1050.0,
73 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "A",
74 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
75 "DefinitiveValidity": "2030-11",
76 "Longitude": 5.457328644660834,
77 "Latitude": 52.18914203087984,
78 "Transactiondate": 202310,
79 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
80 "Image": null,
81 "TransactionPrice": "1250000-1500000",
82 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "1250000-1500000",
83 "PriceIndex": 182.9,
84 "Distance": 277,
85 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
86 "Weight": 0.998
87 },
88 {
89 "PostCode": "3864GG",
90 "HouseNumber": 34,
91 "HouseAddition": null,
92 "Street": "Wouter van de Kampstraat",
93 "BuurtCode": "BU02670301",
94 "WijkCode": "WK026703",
95 "City": "Nijkerkerveen",
96 "HouseType": "2 onder 1 kap woning",
97 "BuildYear": 2005,
98 "InnerSurfaceArea": 196,
99 "OuterSurfaceArea": 310,
100 "Volume": 686.0,
101 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "B",
102 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
103 "DefinitiveValidity": "2025-08",
104 "Longitude": 5.464507827879889,
105 "Latitude": 52.191585528844826,
106 "Transactiondate": 202308,
107 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
108 "Image": null,
109 "TransactionPrice": "550000-600000",
110 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "550000-600000",
111 "PriceIndex": 180.9,
112 "Distance": 333,
113 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
114 "Weight": 0.997
115 },
116 {
117 "PostCode": "3864LG",
118 "HouseNumber": 112,
119 "HouseAddition": null,
120 "Street": "Laakweg",
121 "BuurtCode": "BU02670301",
122 "WijkCode": "WK026703",
123 "City": "Nijkerkerveen",
124 "HouseType": "Vrijstaande woning",
125 "BuildYear": 1965,
126 "InnerSurfaceArea": 229,
127 "OuterSurfaceArea": 11,
128 "Volume": 802.0,
129 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "C",
130 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
131 "DefinitiveValidity": "2033-03",
132 "Longitude": 5.468229897556317,
133 "Latitude": 52.18708738027638,
134 "Transactiondate": 202310,
135 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
136 "Image": null,
137 "TransactionPrice": "1000000-1250000",
138 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "1000000-1250000",
139 "PriceIndex": 182.9,
140 "Distance": 526,
141 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
142 "Weight": 0.996
143 },
144 {
145 "PostCode": "3864GE",
146 "HouseNumber": 17,
147 "HouseAddition": null,
148 "Street": "Wouter van de Kampstraat",
149 "BuurtCode": "BU02670301",
150 "WijkCode": "WK026703",
151 "City": "Nijkerkerveen",
152 "HouseType": "2 onder 1 kap woning",
153 "BuildYear": 2004,
154 "InnerSurfaceArea": 168,
155 "OuterSurfaceArea": 277,
156 "Volume": 588.0,
157 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "A",
158 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
159 "DefinitiveValidity": "2032-10",
160 "Longitude": 5.46410966097144,
161 "Latitude": 52.19182254809644,
162 "Transactiondate": 202303,
163 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
164 "Image": null,
165 "TransactionPrice": "550000-600000",
166 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "550000-600000",
167 "PriceIndex": 182.3,
168 "Distance": 338,
169 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
170 "Weight": 0.988
171 },
172 {
173 "PostCode": "3864MB",
174 "HouseNumber": 41,
175 "HouseAddition": null,
176 "Street": "Schoolstraat",
177 "BuurtCode": "BU02670301",
178 "WijkCode": "WK026703",
179 "City": "Nijkerkerveen",
180 "HouseType": "Vrijstaande woning",
181 "BuildYear": 1980,
182 "InnerSurfaceArea": 157,
183 "OuterSurfaceArea": 1285,
184 "Volume": 542.0,
185 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "C",
186 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
187 "DefinitiveValidity": "2033-05",
188 "Longitude": 5.471817255919985,
189 "Latitude": 52.18956551280539,
190 "Transactiondate": 202309,
191 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
192 "Image": null,
193 "TransactionPrice": "650000-750000",
194 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "650000-750000",
195 "PriceIndex": 180.9,
196 "Distance": 711,
197 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
198 "Weight": 0.986
199 },
200 {
201 "PostCode": "3864EE",
202 "HouseNumber": 66,
203 "HouseAddition": null,
204 "Street": "Nieuwe Kerkstraat",
205 "BuurtCode": "BU02670300",
206 "WijkCode": "WK026703",
207 "City": "Nijkerkerveen",
208 "HouseType": "2 onder 1 kap woning",
209 "BuildYear": 2016,
210 "InnerSurfaceArea": 202,
211 "OuterSurfaceArea": 540,
212 "Volume": 707.0,
213 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "A",
214 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
215 "DefinitiveValidity": "2030-12",
216 "Longitude": 5.466291904308141,
217 "Latitude": 52.19468787458922,
218 "Transactiondate": 202402,
219 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
220 "Image": null,
221 "TransactionPrice": "800000-900000",
222 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "800000-900000",
223 "PriceIndex": 182.9,
224 "Distance": 687,
225 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
226 "Weight": 0.985
227 },
228 {
229 "PostCode": "3864ER",
230 "HouseNumber": 6,
231 "HouseAddition": null,
232 "Street": "Winkelmanstraat",
233 "BuurtCode": "BU02670300",
234 "WijkCode": "WK026703",
235 "City": "Nijkerkerveen",
236 "HouseType": "2 onder 1 kap woning",
237 "BuildYear": 1977,
238 "InnerSurfaceArea": 164,
239 "OuterSurfaceArea": 299,
240 "Volume": 536.0,
241 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "C",
242 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
243 "DefinitiveValidity": "2033-03",
244 "Longitude": 5.4665656121745965,
245 "Latitude": 52.196822381050175,
246 "Transactiondate": 202312,
247 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
248 "Image": null,
249 "TransactionPrice": "500000-550000",
250 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "500000-550000",
251 "PriceIndex": 182.9,
252 "Distance": 909,
253 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
254 "Weight": 0.981
255 },
256 {
257 "PostCode": "3864GL",
258 "HouseNumber": 12,
259 "HouseAddition": null,
260 "Street": "Prof. Scholtenstraat",
261 "BuurtCode": "BU02670301",
262 "WijkCode": "WK026703",
263 "City": "Nijkerkerveen",
264 "HouseType": "2 onder 1 kap woning",
265 "BuildYear": 2003,
266 "InnerSurfaceArea": 159,
267 "OuterSurfaceArea": 260,
268 "Volume": 572.0,
269 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "B",
270 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
271 "DefinitiveValidity": "2030-07",
272 "Longitude": 5.463032785692419,
273 "Latitude": 52.19218696763674,
274 "Transactiondate": 202211,
275 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
276 "Image": null,
277 "TransactionPrice": "650000-750000",
278 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "650000-700000",
279 "PriceIndex": 184.3,
280 "Distance": 342,
281 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
282 "Weight": 0.98
283 },
284 {
285 "PostCode": "3864MB",
286 "HouseNumber": 49,
287 "HouseAddition": null,
288 "Street": "Schoolstraat",
289 "BuurtCode": "BU02670301",
290 "WijkCode": "WK026703",
291 "City": "Nijkerkerveen",
292 "HouseType": "Vrijstaande woning",
293 "BuildYear": 1920,
294 "InnerSurfaceArea": 109,
295 "OuterSurfaceArea": 4560,
296 "Volume": 380.0,
297 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "D",
298 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
299 "DefinitiveValidity": "2033-11",
300 "Longitude": 5.472344230046457,
301 "Latitude": 52.18983476944132,
302 "Transactiondate": 202403,
303 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
304 "Image": null,
305 "TransactionPrice": "750000-800000",
306 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "750000-800000",
307 "PriceIndex": 182.9,
308 "Distance": 749,
309 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
310 "Weight": 0.975
311 },
312 {
313 "PostCode": "3864GC",
314 "HouseNumber": 25,
315 "HouseAddition": null,
316 "Street": "Meester Folkertsstraat",
317 "BuurtCode": "BU02670301",
318 "WijkCode": "WK026703",
319 "City": "Nijkerkerveen",
320 "HouseType": "2 onder 1 kap woning",
321 "BuildYear": 2002,
322 "InnerSurfaceArea": 158,
323 "OuterSurfaceArea": 301,
324 "Volume": 553.0,
325 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "A",
326 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
327 "DefinitiveValidity": "2032-03",
328 "Longitude": 5.462595491838393,
329 "Latitude": 52.19304109628069,
330 "Transactiondate": 202209,
331 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
332 "Image": null,
333 "TransactionPrice": "600000-650000",
334 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "550000-600000",
335 "PriceIndex": 189.2,
336 "Distance": 426,
337 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
338 "Weight": 0.97
339 },
340 {
341 "PostCode": "3864GK",
342 "HouseNumber": 22,
343 "HouseAddition": null,
344 "Street": "Freule Helenastraat",
345 "BuurtCode": "BU02670301",
346 "WijkCode": "WK026703",
347 "City": "Nijkerkerveen",
348 "HouseType": "2 onder 1 kap woning",
349 "BuildYear": 2004,
350 "InnerSurfaceArea": 169,
351 "OuterSurfaceArea": 285,
352 "Volume": 592.0,
353 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "A",
354 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
355 "DefinitiveValidity": "2031-10",
356 "Longitude": 5.463836973934564,
357 "Latitude": 52.19208758050638,
358 "Transactiondate": 202206,
359 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
360 "Image": null,
361 "TransactionPrice": "650000-700000",
362 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "650000-700000",
363 "PriceIndex": 186.9,
364 "Distance": 353,
365 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
366 "Weight": 0.968
367 },
368 {
369 "PostCode": "3864DT",
370 "HouseNumber": 51,
371 "HouseAddition": null,
372 "Street": "Van Dijkhuizenstraat",
373 "BuurtCode": "BU02670300",
374 "WijkCode": "WK026703",
375 "City": "Nijkerkerveen",
376 "HouseType": "2 onder 1 kap woning",
377 "BuildYear": 1958,
378 "InnerSurfaceArea": 104,
379 "OuterSurfaceArea": 275,
380 "Volume": 369.0,
381 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "C",
382 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
383 "DefinitiveValidity": "2033-07",
384 "Longitude": 5.4697985242195575,
385 "Latitude": 52.19709878249657,
386 "Transactiondate": 202401,
387 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
388 "Image": null,
389 "TransactionPrice": "450000-500000",
390 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "450000-500000",
391 "PriceIndex": 182.9,
392 "Distance": 1041,
393 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
394 "Weight": 0.966
395 },
396 {
397 "PostCode": "3864EA",
398 "HouseNumber": 23,
399 "HouseAddition": null,
400 "Street": "Nieuwe Kerkstraat",
401 "BuurtCode": "BU02670301",
402 "WijkCode": "WK026703",
403 "City": "Nijkerkerveen",
404 "HouseType": "Vrijstaande woning",
405 "BuildYear": 1992,
406 "InnerSurfaceArea": 183,
407 "OuterSurfaceArea": 2320,
408 "Volume": 676.0,
409 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "A++++",
410 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
411 "DefinitiveValidity": "2032-05",
412 "Longitude": 5.458109620085174,
413 "Latitude": 52.19555149824667,
414 "Transactiondate": 202301,
415 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
416 "Image": null,
417 "TransactionPrice": "2000000-2500000",
418 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "2000000-2500000",
419 "PriceIndex": 182.3,
420 "Distance": 732,
421 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
422 "Weight": 0.965
423 },
424 {
425 "PostCode": "3871KC",
426 "HouseNumber": 36,
427 "HouseAddition": null,
428 "Street": "Nijkerkerstraat",
429 "BuurtCode": "BU02670503",
430 "WijkCode": "WK026705",
431 "City": "Hoevelaken",
432 "HouseType": "Vrijstaande woning",
433 "BuildYear": 1930,
434 "InnerSurfaceArea": 140,
435 "OuterSurfaceArea": 1,
436 "Volume": null,
437 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "F",
438 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
439 "DefinitiveValidity": "2026-01",
440 "Longitude": 5.447604283772818,
441 "Latitude": 52.19260933509863,
442 "Transactiondate": 202401,
443 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
444 "Image": null,
445 "TransactionPrice": "800000-900000",
446 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "800000-900000",
447 "PriceIndex": 182.9,
448 "Distance": 1010,
449 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
450 "Weight": 0.961
451 },
452 {
453 "PostCode": "3864GJ",
454 "HouseNumber": 14,
455 "HouseAddition": null,
456 "Street": "Ds. Hugenholtzstraat",
457 "BuurtCode": "BU02670301",
458 "WijkCode": "WK026703",
459 "City": "Nijkerkerveen",
460 "HouseType": "2 onder 1 kap woning",
461 "BuildYear": 2002,
462 "InnerSurfaceArea": 170,
463 "OuterSurfaceArea": 285,
464 "Volume": 620.0,
465 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "B",
466 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
467 "DefinitiveValidity": "2031-12",
468 "Longitude": 5.464731021051444,
469 "Latitude": 52.193201491612975,
470 "Transactiondate": 202206,
471 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
472 "Image": null,
473 "TransactionPrice": "650000-700000",
474 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "600000-650000",
475 "PriceIndex": 186.9,
476 "Distance": 491,
477 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
478 "Weight": 0.961
479 },
480 {
481 "PostCode": "3864LE",
482 "HouseNumber": 92,
483 "HouseAddition": null,
484 "Street": "Laakweg",
485 "BuurtCode": "BU02670301",
486 "WijkCode": "WK026703",
487 "City": "Nijkerkerveen",
488 "HouseType": "2 onder 1 kap woning",
489 "BuildYear": 1948,
490 "InnerSurfaceArea": 113,
491 "OuterSurfaceArea": 2115,
492 "Volume": 399.0,
493 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "E",
494 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
495 "DefinitiveValidity": "2030-07",
496 "Longitude": 5.4649265534493265,
497 "Latitude": 52.187925479488705,
498 "Transactiondate": 202202,
499 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
500 "Image": null,
501 "TransactionPrice": "450000-500000",
502 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "450000-500000",
503 "PriceIndex": 183.4,
504 "Distance": 285,
505 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
506 "Weight": 0.961
507 },
508 {
509 "PostCode": "3864DM",
510 "HouseNumber": 46,
511 "HouseAddition": null,
512 "Street": "Wouter Blomstraat",
513 "BuurtCode": "BU02670300",
514 "WijkCode": "WK026703",
515 "City": "Nijkerkerveen",
516 "HouseType": "Tussenwoning",
517 "BuildYear": 1978,
518 "InnerSurfaceArea": 126,
519 "OuterSurfaceArea": 191,
520 "Volume": 389.0,
521 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "B",
522 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
523 "DefinitiveValidity": "2032-12",
524 "Longitude": 5.468833698978822,
525 "Latitude": 52.19737807885894,
526 "Transactiondate": 202305,
527 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
528 "Image": null,
529 "TransactionPrice": "350000-375000",
530 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "375000-400000",
531 "PriceIndex": 178.5,
532 "Distance": 1033,
533 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
534 "Weight": 0.957
535 },
536 {
537 "PostCode": "3864DJ",
538 "HouseNumber": 19,
539 "HouseAddition": null,
540 "Street": "Vanenburg",
541 "BuurtCode": "BU02670300",
542 "WijkCode": "WK026703",
543 "City": "Nijkerkerveen",
544 "HouseType": "Tussenwoning",
545 "BuildYear": 1977,
546 "InnerSurfaceArea": 129,
547 "OuterSurfaceArea": 178,
548 "Volume": 386.0,
549 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "A",
550 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
551 "DefinitiveValidity": "2030-11",
552 "Longitude": 5.468351585160409,
553 "Latitude": 52.19768399937693,
554 "Transactiondate": 202306,
555 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
556 "Image": null,
557 "TransactionPrice": "400000-450000",
558 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "400000-450000",
559 "PriceIndex": 178.5,
560 "Distance": 1048,
561 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
562 "Weight": 0.957
563 },
564 {
565 "PostCode": "3864ER",
566 "HouseNumber": 16,
567 "HouseAddition": null,
568 "Street": "Winkelmanstraat",
569 "BuurtCode": "BU02670300",
570 "WijkCode": "WK026703",
571 "City": "Nijkerkerveen",
572 "HouseType": "2 onder 1 kap woning",
573 "BuildYear": 1978,
574 "InnerSurfaceArea": 188,
575 "OuterSurfaceArea": 376,
576 "Volume": 561.0,
577 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "A",
578 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
579 "DefinitiveValidity": "2032-04",
580 "Longitude": 5.467456611690222,
581 "Latitude": 52.196156675232324,
582 "Transactiondate": 202211,
583 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
584 "Image": null,
585 "TransactionPrice": "600000-650000",
586 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "600000-650000",
587 "PriceIndex": 184.3,
588 "Distance": 869,
589 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
590 "Weight": 0.957
591 },
592 {
593 "PostCode": "3871NV",
594 "HouseNumber": 68,
595 "HouseAddition": null,
596 "Street": "Roggeakker",
597 "BuurtCode": "BU02670503",
598 "WijkCode": "WK026705",
599 "City": "Hoevelaken",
600 "HouseType": "Geschakelde woning",
601 "BuildYear": 1984,
602 "InnerSurfaceArea": 94,
603 "OuterSurfaceArea": 178,
604 "Volume": 279.0,
605 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "C",
606 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
607 "DefinitiveValidity": "2027-06",
608 "Longitude": 5.457744842633903,
609 "Latitude": 52.17765684493787,
610 "Transactiondate": 202403,
611 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
612 "Image": null,
613 "TransactionPrice": "400000-450000",
614 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "400000-450000",
615 "PriceIndex": 182.9,
616 "Distance": 1317,
617 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
618 "Weight": 0.956
619 },
620 {
621 "PostCode": "3864EG",
622 "HouseNumber": 102,
623 "HouseAddition": null,
624 "Street": "Nieuwe Kerkstraat",
625 "BuurtCode": "BU02670300",
626 "WijkCode": "WK026703",
627 "City": "Nijkerkerveen",
628 "HouseType": "2 onder 1 kap woning",
629 "BuildYear": 1958,
630 "InnerSurfaceArea": 116,
631 "OuterSurfaceArea": 242,
632 "Volume": 406.0,
633 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "B",
634 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
635 "DefinitiveValidity": "2032-05",
636 "Longitude": 5.4684194171798,
637 "Latitude": 52.19478087144734,
638 "Transactiondate": 202212,
639 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
640 "Image": null,
641 "TransactionPrice": "450000-500000",
642 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "450000-500000",
643 "PriceIndex": 184.3,
644 "Distance": 777,
645 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
646 "Weight": 0.956
647 },
648 {
649 "PostCode": "3871KH",
650 "HouseNumber": 20,
651 "HouseAddition": null,
652 "Street": "Weldammerlaan",
653 "BuurtCode": "BU02670503",
654 "WijkCode": "WK026705",
655 "City": "Hoevelaken",
656 "HouseType": "Vrijstaande woning",
657 "BuildYear": 1920,
658 "InnerSurfaceArea": 112,
659 "OuterSurfaceArea": 7,
660 "Volume": 359.0,
661 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "G",
662 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
663 "DefinitiveValidity": "2030-12",
664 "Longitude": 5.452661264300157,
665 "Latitude": 52.19042257858006,
666 "Transactiondate": 202211,
667 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
668 "Image": null,
669 "TransactionPrice": "800000-900000",
670 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "800000-900000",
671 "PriceIndex": 184.3,
672 "Distance": 608,
673 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
674 "Weight": 0.954
675 },
676 {
677 "PostCode": "3871PE",
678 "HouseNumber": 4,
679 "HouseAddition": null,
680 "Street": "Gerstkamp",
681 "BuurtCode": "BU02670503",
682 "WijkCode": "WK026705",
683 "City": "Hoevelaken",
684 "HouseType": "2 onder 1 kap woning",
685 "BuildYear": 1988,
686 "InnerSurfaceArea": 120,
687 "OuterSurfaceArea": 301,
688 "Volume": 420.0,
689 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "A",
690 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
691 "DefinitiveValidity": "2033-02",
692 "Longitude": 5.456870953629867,
693 "Latitude": 52.179769520413494,
694 "Transactiondate": 202308,
695 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
696 "Image": null,
697 "TransactionPrice": "500000-550000",
698 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "550000-600000",
699 "PriceIndex": 180.9,
700 "Distance": 1102,
701 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
702 "Weight": 0.954
703 },
704 {
705 "PostCode": "3864GG",
706 "HouseNumber": 36,
707 "HouseAddition": null,
708 "Street": "Wouter van de Kampstraat",
709 "BuurtCode": "BU02670301",
710 "WijkCode": "WK026703",
711 "City": "Nijkerkerveen",
712 "HouseType": "2 onder 1 kap woning",
713 "BuildYear": 2005,
714 "InnerSurfaceArea": 190,
715 "OuterSurfaceArea": 310,
716 "Volume": 726.0,
717 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "B",
718 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
719 "DefinitiveValidity": "2030-10",
720 "Longitude": 5.464409870182194,
721 "Latitude": 52.191482879669984,
722 "Transactiondate": 202108,
723 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
724 "Image": null,
725 "TransactionPrice": "600000-650000",
726 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "650000-700000",
727 "PriceIndex": 166.9,
728 "Distance": 320,
729 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
730 "Weight": 0.951
731 },
732 {
733 "PostCode": "3864EA",
734 "HouseNumber": 19,
735 "HouseAddition": null,
736 "Street": "Nieuwe Kerkstraat",
737 "BuurtCode": "BU02670301",
738 "WijkCode": "WK026703",
739 "City": "Nijkerkerveen",
740 "HouseType": "Vrijstaande woning",
741 "BuildYear": 1930,
742 "InnerSurfaceArea": 100,
743 "OuterSurfaceArea": 7,
744 "Volume": 322.0,
745 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "G",
746 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
747 "DefinitiveValidity": "2030-12",
748 "Longitude": 5.457261748081135,
749 "Latitude": 52.19582164173559,
750 "Transactiondate": 202302,
751 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
752 "Image": null,
753 "TransactionPrice": "800000-900000",
754 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "900000-1000000",
755 "PriceIndex": 182.3,
756 "Distance": 779,
757 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
758 "Weight": 0.951
759 },
760 {
761 "PostCode": "3864EZ",
762 "HouseNumber": 35,
763 "HouseAddition": null,
764 "Street": "Jacob de Boerweg",
765 "BuurtCode": "BU02670301",
766 "WijkCode": "WK026703",
767 "City": "Nijkerkerveen",
768 "HouseType": "Vrijstaande woning",
769 "BuildYear": 1997,
770 "InnerSurfaceArea": 227,
771 "OuterSurfaceArea": 491,
772 "Volume": 809.0,
773 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": null,
774 "DefinitiveType": null,
775 "DefinitiveValidity": null,
776 "Longitude": 5.465035331834693,
777 "Latitude": 52.1915924616115,
778 "Transactiondate": 202109,
779 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
780 "Image": null,
781 "TransactionPrice": "650000-700000",
782 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "750000-800000",
783 "PriceIndex": 166.9,
784 "Distance": 357,
785 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
786 "Weight": 0.949
787 },
788 {
789 "PostCode": "3864HB",
790 "HouseNumber": 34,
791 "HouseAddition": null,
792 "Street": "Dokter van de Kolkstraat",
793 "BuurtCode": "BU02670300",
794 "WijkCode": "WK026703",
795 "City": "Nijkerkerveen",
796 "HouseType": "Hoekwoning",
797 "BuildYear": 2016,
798 "InnerSurfaceArea": 150,
799 "OuterSurfaceArea": 202,
800 "Volume": 525.0,
801 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "A",
802 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
803 "DefinitiveValidity": "2027-01",
804 "Longitude": 5.46654418926098,
805 "Latitude": 52.198243484823806,
806 "Transactiondate": 202306,
807 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
808 "Image": null,
809 "TransactionPrice": "450000-500000",
810 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "500000-550000",
811 "PriceIndex": 178.5,
812 "Distance": 1056,
813 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
814 "Weight": 0.948
815 },
816 {
817 "PostCode": "3864MC",
818 "HouseNumber": 77,
819 "HouseAddition": null,
820 "Street": "Schoolstraat",
821 "BuurtCode": "BU02670301",
822 "WijkCode": "WK026703",
823 "City": "Nijkerkerveen",
824 "HouseType": "Vrijstaande woning",
825 "BuildYear": 1959,
826 "InnerSurfaceArea": 196,
827 "OuterSurfaceArea": 1850,
828 "Volume": 686.0,
829 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "D",
830 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
831 "DefinitiveValidity": "2030-09",
832 "Longitude": 5.480308120401454,
833 "Latitude": 52.186889707526255,
834 "Transactiondate": 202310,
835 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
836 "Image": null,
837 "TransactionPrice": "1000000-1250000",
838 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "1000000-1250000",
839 "PriceIndex": 182.9,
840 "Distance": 1317,
841 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
842 "Weight": 0.947
843 },
844 {
845 "PostCode": "3864LA",
846 "HouseNumber": 29,
847 "HouseAddition": null,
848 "Street": "Laakweg",
849 "BuurtCode": "BU02670301",
850 "WijkCode": "WK026703",
851 "City": "Nijkerkerveen",
852 "HouseType": "2 onder 1 kap woning",
853 "BuildYear": 1931,
854 "InnerSurfaceArea": 90,
855 "OuterSurfaceArea": 1010,
856 "Volume": 307.0,
857 "DefinitiveEnergyLabel": "G",
858 "DefinitiveType": "NEN7120",
859 "DefinitiveValidity": "2032-01",
860 "Longitude": 5.455543363162575,
861 "Latitude": 52.19116693455928,
862 "Transactiondate": 202203,
863 "TimeForSaleDays": null,
864 "Image": null,
865 "TransactionPrice": "600000-650000",
866 "IndexedTransactionPrice": "600000-650000",
867 "PriceIndex": 183.4,
868 "Distance": 450,
869 "VisualSimilarityScore": null,
870 "Weight": 0.947
871 }
872 ]
873 }
874 }

De Interactieve Referentie API maakt gebruik van meerdere functies om tot de meest geschikte referente objecten te komen.

Identificatie woning (*) en gewenste output

Zoek op postcode, huisnummer en toevoeging via postcode, housenumber en houseaddition.

Gewenste output

Geef het aantal gewenste referente objecten op via de functie reference_number. De waarderingsdatum met transacties aan die datum gaat via de functie valuationdate. Geef aan tot hoeveel maanden terug gezocht mag worden t.o.v. de waarderingsdatum via date_limit. Het is mogelijk, als beschikbaar, het aantal dagen op te vragen dat de woning te koop heeft gestaan via de functie time_for_sale.


Overschrijf de waardes uit de Altum AI-database met eigen invoer voor oppervlakte, energielabel, bouwjaar en woningtype via innersurfacearea, energylabel, buildyear en housetype.

Strikte zoekfuncties

Een strikte zoekfunctie sluit transacties uit die niet voldoen aan de criteria. Zoek op transacties uit dezelfde straat, wijk of buurt via strict_street, strict_buurt of strict_wijk. Als het energielabel bekend is of meegegeven als input is het mogelijk om te zoeken naar strikt vergelijkbare woningen met hetzelfde energielabel via de functie strict_energylabel.

Gewicht in relevantie

De resultaten van de API kunnen worden gesorteerd aan de hand van gewichten die worden meegegeven aan de zoekopdracht t.a.v. oppervlakte, bouwjaar, transactiedatum, recentheid weegt dan zwaarder en afstand. Dit kan met de functies weight_innersurfacearea, weight_buildyear, weight_transactiondate en weight_distance.


Met de vergelijkbaarheidsfuncties is het mogelijk de mate van vergelijkbaarheid te definiëren t.a.v. de woning en in hoeverre transacties moeten worden uitgesloten. Vergelijkbaarheid aangeven kan voor woningtype, oppervlakte, bouwjaar en afstand via comparable_housetype, comparable_innersurfacearea, comparable_buildyear en comparable_distance.

* Vereist

Voorbeeld integratie